Curriculum and environmental programming at James Lick was different than our other sites. Previously CAN! staff had worked almost exclusively with Science Department teachers. JLMS Social Studies team was our primary partner. JLMS Social Studies Department’s longstanding Environmental Justice curriculum was in direct dialogue with our ecological curriculum.
All 8th graders at JLMS participate in a tour of the Cesar Chavez home in Bakersfield, learning about farm worker movements here in California, the history of Dolores Huerta, Larry Itliong, Cesar Chavez and the United Farm Workers movement. CAN! deepened our Environmental Justice curriculum in partnership with the school teachers, including education about organics, pesticides and other petroleum-based chemicals in agriculture, farmworker health and California watersheds in the 6th-8th-grade lessons. This intersectionality of the CAN! the curriculum has since been expanded to our other partner sites.